Unleash The Power Within – Tony Robbins Los Angeles October 2011

Fire Walk Unleash The Power Within Los Angelos October 2011 with OprahIn October 2011 I travelled to Los Angeles and was in the crowd when Oprah attended Unleash The Power Within.  Of course we didn’t know she was there unless you were sitting right up front, which I wasn’t.  We found out days later when Tony thanked us for allowing Oprah the opportunity for privacy.

Unleash the Power Within was 2 months before my home was taken by the bank.  I was hoping that going to this 4 day intense workshop with Tony would somehow keep me from falling apart.  I did the fire walk which is what Oprah is doing in the photo.  It is crazy and we used the mantra Cool Moss as you are walking through the coals.  It was exhilarating. When I was packing up my house and I was walking to the garbage late at night,  I hadn’t slept in 48 hours and I just couldn’t continue I would say the mantra Cool Moss Cool Moss Cool Moss over and over again.  So that mantra got me through that horrible part but I have always felt I never got to use the workshop to its full advantage.

When I was there I saw the magnitude of the Tony Robbins Corporation.  I had followed Tony way back when.  I still have 2 of his early tapes. Tony was a mentor fantasy of mine.  What I wouldn’t do to meet Tony Robbins in person.  You know those late night infomercials that were so popular in the 90’s of Tony Robbins. I believed in Creative Visualization.  I listened to Bob Proctor, read Napoleon Hill.  The book Magic of Believing is great. Having a vision board. I consumed all that I could. I worked on positive affirmations.   My Holy Grail of gets would be meeting Tony Robbins and spending time with him. Yes I know he is happily married and very much in love to his wife Sage.

Tony Robbins has a university and I would love to take all the course, however, you need money, lots of money, none of which I have at the moment.  I really want to go to the  Date with Destiny the cost is like $10 grand. I don’t have $1,0000 let alone $10 grand, yet I feel like the course could be the answer to getting me traction. Yeah being on Disability making $1,600 a month just doesn’t allow for that kind of luxury because you don’t make enough money to live on.

I got to go to Unleash the Power Within because Tony gave me my ticket for free, he did;  my brother gave me his airmile points for my flight and I stayed with Bill Boyle who is a writer I know in LA. Thats how I got there.  Thats one crazy story and I met a few people.  Someone I still keep in touch with on Facebook who I never met in person but we met via twitter at the conference.  Now that is is insane.  His name is Scott Empringham

Thats my Unleash The Power Within Story.  I really want to be able to write my Date with Destiny story one day.



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